Benchmark | Time in seconds | Std dev | Min | Max | Change | Trend |
Average | 0.70 | 0.40% | ||||
2to3 | 0.4609820418 | 0.0031947948 | 0.4532661289 | 0.4722862095 | -0.88 | 0.01% |
async_generators | 0.6474850163 | 0.0223944004 | 0.5939026028 | 0.6955097914 | -0.44 | -0.07% |
asyncio_tcp | 0.8759762128 | 0.0045492430 | 0.8563615829 | 0.8847766668 | 6.74 | 5.69% |
asyncio_tcp_ssl | 4.2831158628 | 0.0402544558 | 4.2426927686 | 4.5568332076 | 1.27 | 1.24% |
asyncio_websockets | 0.7622692863 | 0.0043393173 | 0.7584690452 | 0.7869872749 | 0.07 | -0.03% |
bench_mp_pool | 0.1003621216 | 0.0006276720 | 0.0989929885 | 0.1018043309 | 0.13 | 0.43% |
bench_thread_pool | 0.0015894271 | 0.0000265390 | 0.0015501671 | 0.0016297720 | 1.34 | 1.43% |
chaos | 0.1139402767 | 0.0012715043 | 0.1119313240 | 0.1173655093 | 0.93 | 0.86% |
comprehensions | 0.0000275772 | 0.0000002211 | 0.0000271697 | 0.0000280782 | 0.32 | 0.34% |
coroutines | 0.0359361985 | 0.0072776115 | 0.0324124508 | 0.0533889160 | 9.49 | 5.66% |
coverage | 0.1386466933 | 0.0085612522 | 0.1292396337 | 0.1635880172 | -9.80 | -0.09% |
create_gc_cycles | 0.0019901117 | 0.0000137184 | 0.0019655107 | 0.0020256254 | 0.29 | 0.24% |
crypto_pyaes | 0.1296463832 | 0.0018583631 | 0.1259227395 | 0.1350992173 | -1.14 | -0.90% |
deepcopy | 0.0006274061 | 0.0000081222 | 0.0006152214 | 0.0006502986 | 4.41 | 3.66% |
deepcopy_memo | 0.0000530474 | 0.0000014895 | 0.0000505047 | 0.0000554896 | 8.64 | 4.92% |
deepcopy_reduce | 0.0000070790 | 0.0000001187 | 0.0000067713 | 0.0000073843 | 3.96 | 1.10% |
deltablue | 0.0057943562 | 0.0000444386 | 0.0057210438 | 0.0059214770 | 3.47 | 1.07% |
django_template | 0.0914695594 | 0.0011777641 | 0.0897677839 | 0.0943627805 | 1.62 | 0.88% |
docutils | 4.5854925488 | 0.0321780402 | 4.5190462321 | 4.6536586434 | 0.52 | 0.67% |
dulwich_log | 0.1550998107 | 0.0012903968 | 0.1527004987 | 0.1596516669 | -0.23 | 0.36% |
fannkuch | 0.6236405616 | 0.0694376443 | 0.5923417658 | 0.9716773331 | 0.67 | -0.63% |
float | 0.1174105607 | 0.0022265404 | 0.1120809913 | 0.1218237281 | 1.20 | 2.67% |
gc_traversal | 0.0051493073 | 0.0002373606 | 0.0050559789 | 0.0065992377 | -1.98 | 0.09% |
generators | 0.0435194194 | 0.0005525775 | 0.0425722934 | 0.0454752259 | 7.38 | 4.70% |
genshi_text | 0.0464365307 | 0.0008512982 | 0.0449097417 | 0.0485497713 | -1.11 | -0.99% |
genshi_xml | 0.1265867117 | 0.0015256893 | 0.1239833683 | 0.1317875087 | 3.69 | 3.80% |
go | 0.2016005225 | 0.0024106194 | 0.1971145868 | 0.2077852637 | -0.51 | -0.53% |
hexiom | 0.0098027097 | 0.0001350719 | 0.0096164467 | 0.0102933878 | 0.88 | -1.27% |
html5lib | 0.1147496919 | 0.0014681678 | 0.1120490879 | 0.1178444326 | 0.52 | 0.47% |
json_dumps | 0.0217609052 | 0.0006851748 | 0.0206264444 | 0.0237090662 | -2.27 | -2.10% |
json_loads | 0.0000479617 | 0.0000011982 | 0.0000464273 | 0.0000523129 | 2.73 | 0.95% |
logging_format | 0.0000178435 | 0.0000003322 | 0.0000171959 | 0.0000184817 | -1.66 | -0.09% |
logging_silent | 0.0000001764 | 0.0000000373 | 0.0000001521 | 0.0000002528 | 0.38 | 10.64% |
logging_simple | 0.0000157613 | 0.0000003275 | 0.0000151619 | 0.0000165561 | -2.10 | 0.26% |
mako | 0.0203467415 | 0.0002006869 | 0.0197790693 | 0.0207584240 | -0.74 | 3.46% |
mdp | 4.9169484330 | 0.2345049719 | 4.6836086661 | 5.4051905274 | -2.40 | -2.33% |
meteor_contest | 0.1575696252 | 0.0019937979 | 0.1545684785 | 0.1618594080 | -2.32 | -3.41% |
nbody | 0.1620480393 | 0.0044271557 | 0.1542014182 | 0.1698829234 | -7.65 | -6.18% |
nqueens | 0.1512827521 | 0.0030275424 | 0.1462274343 | 0.1593883336 | -0.47 | -6.54% |
pathlib | 0.0341396853 | 0.0006021096 | 0.0332416557 | 0.0352038220 | 4.60 | 3.18% |
pickle | 0.0000280184 | 0.0000005091 | 0.0000272112 | 0.0000297656 | -6.16 | -0.05% |
pickle_dict | 0.0000472363 | 0.0000015808 | 0.0000451332 | 0.0000518530 | 0.11 | 1.68% |
pickle_list | 0.0000081908 | 0.0000001797 | 0.0000079132 | 0.0000087156 | -7.53 | -1.74% |
pickle_pure_python | 0.0006399583 | 0.0000103441 | 0.0006146654 | 0.0006551779 | 4.87 | -0.45% |
pidigits | 0.2910112642 | 0.0013369847 | 0.2893720716 | 0.2944231033 | -7.15 | -0.16% |
pprint_pformat | 3.3475754668 | 0.1013892694 | 3.2251185626 | 4.0640916824 | -0.43 | -1.93% |
pprint_safe_repr | 1.5892281083 | 0.0336156453 | 1.5244926065 | 1.6510672569 | -1.69 | -3.58% |
pyflate | 0.7763698267 | 0.0074892298 | 0.7602076083 | 0.7958867401 | 4.98 | 1.32% |
python_startup | 0.0151740812 | 0.0000960474 | 0.0149642937 | 0.0154513381 | -0.06 | -0.05% |
python_startup_no_site | 0.0100457740 | 0.0000466085 | 0.0099238437 | 0.0102366926 | 0.04 | -0.14% |
raytrace | 0.5267188162 | 0.0087550726 | 0.5111486465 | 0.5561761558 | 6.30 | 5.30% |
regex_compile | 0.2288666087 | 0.0021068832 | 0.2251135111 | 0.2329859883 | 1.40 | 1.47% |
regex_dna | 0.2348010165 | 0.0023156543 | 0.2313372493 | 0.2399769276 | -2.48 | -1.20% |
regex_effbot | 0.0042579819 | 0.0000662820 | 0.0041582756 | 0.0043946173 | 6.82 | -2.89% |
regex_v8 | 0.0398625758 | 0.0004623188 | 0.0392098986 | 0.0414534174 | 1.58 | -0.69% |
richards | 0.0936540318 | 0.0096094999 | 0.0876432434 | 0.1189926788 | 7.49 | 4.20% |
richards_super | 0.1101016442 | 0.0139465004 | 0.0996634662 | 0.1359330565 | 11.89 | 7.49% |
scimark_fft | 0.5915358995 | 0.0704645881 | 0.5497959554 | 0.8299794197 | 0.37 | -1.12% |
scimark_lu | 0.1850034299 | 0.0335881953 | 0.1657164842 | 0.2799709439 | 8.30 | 4.38% |
scimark_monte_carlo | 0.0984294253 | 0.0022445615 | 0.0942091793 | 0.1035424918 | 0.83 | -3.73% |
scimark_sor | 0.1868528441 | 0.0034362800 | 0.1790197343 | 0.1947358996 | -0.01 | -3.01% |
scimark_sparse_mat_mult | 0.0075374898 | 0.0001287770 | 0.0073497342 | 0.0079636164 | -3.01 | 0.26% |
spectral_norm | 0.1430906266 | 0.0031820009 | 0.1376234889 | 0.1511052251 | -9.22 | -0.36% |
sqlglot_normalize | 0.2097949845 | 0.0026928053 | 0.2051740885 | 0.2147929668 | -1.55 | -0.43% |
sqlglot_optimize | 0.0961629814 | 0.0006474545 | 0.0946018249 | 0.0976121575 | -0.86 | -1.31% |
sqlglot_parse | 0.0023545877 | 0.0000279068 | 0.0022982408 | 0.0024281591 | 1.25 | 1.26% |
sqlglot_transpile | 0.0028955719 | 0.0000370940 | 0.0028155965 | 0.0029864579 | 2.18 | 2.38% |
sqlite_synth | 0.0000060273 | 0.0000001090 | 0.0000057676 | 0.0000062466 | -5.63 | -4.68% |
sympy_expand | 0.9801210982 | 0.0108613872 | 0.9549521506 | 1.0052437037 | -0.30 | 0.55% |
sympy_integrate | 0.0340783399 | 0.0002447374 | 0.0335808322 | 0.0347060859 | 0.75 | -0.54% |
sympy_str | 0.5525903684 | 0.0064327315 | 0.5413423330 | 0.5681997538 | 0.24 | 0.53% |
sympy_sum | 0.2932508044 | 0.0030888452 | 0.2854486406 | 0.2999008149 | 1.04 | 1.18% |
telco | 0.0169630040 | 0.0005406071 | 0.0159094669 | 0.0183269214 | -2.47 | -3.54% |
tomli_loads | 3.8634821214 | 0.0382396953 | 3.7706416994 | 3.9209660590 | -2.66 | -0.91% |
typing_runtime_protocols | 0.0003302743 | 0.0000063102 | 0.0003196852 | 0.0003450368 | -1.82 | -1.56% |
unpack_sequence | 0.0000000969 | 0.0000000005 | 0.0000000965 | 0.0000000985 | -4.33 | -8.10% |
unpickle | 0.0000291159 | 0.0000005361 | 0.0000279193 | 0.0000301708 | -0.96 | -1.00% |
unpickle_list | 0.0000074741 | 0.0000001575 | 0.0000071848 | 0.0000078785 | 0.64 | -1.88% |
unpickle_pure_python | 0.0004012036 | 0.0000039912 | 0.0003951183 | 0.0004093369 | 6.04 | 3.22% |
xml_etree_generate | 0.1585641727 | 0.0034596278 | 0.1535978317 | 0.1698742807 | 5.87 | 3.72% |
xml_etree_iterparse | 0.1599642587 | 0.0027756329 | 0.1541579217 | 0.1650974452 | 1.82 | -0.38% |
xml_etree_parse | 0.2463928851 | 0.0049122556 | 0.2374654114 | 0.2611163259 | 6.40 | 3.09% |
xml_etree_process | 0.1171031403 | 0.0031195324 | 0.1124153286 | 0.1242882609 | 5.37 | 2.62% |
Executable | |
Name | lto-pgo |
Description | CPython compiled with "--with-lto" and "--with-optimizations" |
Environment | |
Name | speed-python |
CPU | 2 HP DL380 G7 Intel® Xeon® X5680 (3.33GHz/6-core/130W/12MB) FIO Processor Kit |
Memory | 4x 4GB (1x4GB) Dual Rank x4 PC3-10600 (DDR3-1333) Registered CAS-9 Memory Kit |
OS | Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS |
Kernel | GNU/Linux 4.4.0-47-generic |
Revision | |
Commit | e09442089eb86d88d4b5a96e56f713cb31173ae9 |
Date | Feb. 12, 2025, 5:09 p.m. |
Repo | |
Commit logs | |
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