Welcome to the speed.python.org project - this project is aimed at constructing a shared benchmark system based on the excellent speed.pypy.org project.
This project will setup a common, shared instance of the benchmarking suite and visualization tools put together by the PyPy team, based on work from the Unladen Swallow project.
Coming out of the PyCon 2011 VM and language summits, it was commonly agreed that PyPy, CPython, IronPython and Jython should strive to move to a common set of benchmarks and a single performance-oriented site. This was agreed upon by the maintainers present at the conference, and included leads from all of the major implementations. This project would be lead by the various VM development teams, and based around the Unladen Swallow/PyPy benchmark suite.
Once set up, this site will be prominently linked on Python.org, and serve as a resource for all Python users - both existing and potential - to evaluate the various Python runtimes on both performance, memory usage, etc. Our goal is to provide a resource that will both educate and assist users, maintainers and the community as a whole.
You can see the announcement, and more details at the announcement of the machine acquisition on Jesse Noller's blog.
For now, only CPython is being benchmarked, but we hope to expand in the future.
On speed.python.org both x86 and AArch64 architectures are being measured. Below the specs of the machines used.
Nicknamed "the beast", the machine was generously donated to the Python Software foundation by the HP Open Source Program office.
The hardware specs are:
The racking, stacking and hardware administration and all bandwidth has been generously donated by the The Oregon State University Open Source Lab (OSUOSL) who have been amazing open source supporters, and supporters of the Python Software foundation.
We can not thank OSUOSL enough for the hosting and administration.
The machine is generously sponsored by Arm Ltd through the Works on Arm project.
The hardware specs are:
The hosting, the hardware, the provisioning of the machine is all provided by Equinix.
The code can be found here.
Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively.
Main website: python.org
Original Code: github.com/tobami/codespeed
Code for this site: github.com/python/codespeed
Wiki: github.com/tobami/codespeed/wiki
For problems or suggestions about this website write to us on discuss.python.org.